Hydroplaning through life
How exactly is it that we can feel trapped,
unable to move yet at the same time like we're spinning out of control?
Helplessly hydroplaning through life in a paralyzed manor.
How do we function a world that seems so clearly conflicted?
What the hell is going on around here?
First Level~
Veils are thinning between dimensions.
You don't have to believe in something for it to be true or for it to affect your life.
So, where ever you stand on the whole veil/multi dimensional thing is irrelevant
at this point my friends. Many different dimensions & beings have been sharing one space all along .
These remained unseen by most people due to very different energetic frequencies.
Seeing or feeling Angels, ghosts, spirits, guides, faeires, extra-terrestrials, UFO's,
all kinds of "weird & wacky stuff" is common place at this point. .
This is caused be the evolution or raising of our frequency individually & as a planet..
It's a very good thing but does require 'life skills' that our public school system currently neglects.
Next Up~
Talk to physicists and they will tell you our Universe is folding over upon it's self....
All realities & dimensions are meshing into one space...
The concepts of time, past & future are illusions.
This means we're currently experiencing each of our incarnations,
all of our possible realities in one space.
No wonder I forget to take out the garbage!
As overwhelming as this might seem for us individually,
take into consideration that everyone else is going through this same thing.
Yikes! It's a wonder we haven't all gone into a massive melt down,
thrown in the towel & crawled into a hole somewhere until it's over!
As if that weren't enough,
The Earth's frequency is rising.
(She's got your global warming right here Buddy!)
This vibrational shift alone is enough to shake you to the core of your being.
It's actually an amazingly beautiful thing to be part of.
Worthy of great celebration!
As we become aware & acclimate ourselves to her higher frequency we begin to really enjoy the ride.
All that we thought we knew we now begin to see, was illusion!
It's the Mack Daddy example of that silly 70's poster with the stressed out Monkey saying,
"Just when I thought I had all the answers, they changed all of the questions!"
A cosmic exfoliation of your energy.
Lifetimes of misconceptions, pain & suffering sloughed off like so much dead skin.
Leaving us with a bight & shiny energy form to carry on with.
You're here on a voluntarily basis
You wouldn't be alive now unless your eternal being chose to come & check it out .
If you are reading this, you have something to experience here that made it worth the trip for you.
Allow your true inner self to flow & be expressed!
If not, you will have wasted the whole trip.
You are Neither trapped or spinning out of control
You've been allowed a rare & magnificent opportunity.
Through eyes of ignorance it seems chaotic and frightening.
Through the eyes of the spirit, relaxed & wise, you can see the beauty of it all.
How many times will all things converge into one harmonious space?
How many times will the Universe fold over upon herself?
How many times will the Earth go through this shifting process?
You must belong here or you wouldn't have made the trip.
Relax, feel your inner rhythm as it moves along with these changes.
Understand that as your frequency changes, so does everything else.
Like tuning into new and different radio stations,
Your life is the live stream expression of your ever evolving energy.
One Light powered by Love,
Taerie Gillan
The Mystical Truth
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